Our next project – EBEC Balkan

European BEST Engineering Competition (EBEC) is the largest team-based engineering competition that takes place in 88 cities and gathers more than 6000 students. It consists of the local, regional, and final round and has two categories: Team Design and Case Study.
In each category, teams are challenged to solve real, practical problems provided by the Organizational team and company partners.

EBEC Balkan is one of 15 Regional rounds of EBEC. It gathers 10 winning teams from EBEC Local rounds from Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad, Skopje, and Sofia. This year for the third time it will take place in Belgrade from 18th to 22nd of June at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade.
The Core team of this project is working hard to make this project better than ever before. More about them and their positions you can find the following picture.

For more information and news, follow us on social media: Instagram @ebecbalkan and Facebook page EBEC Balkan.